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I miss those days of…

Thursday, May 28, 2009

• I miss those days of cycling from school to home with my friends
• I miss those day of catching butterflies & keeping it in my books
• I miss those days of playing hide & seek
• I miss those days of reading fairy tales,Nandan and Chandamama.
• I miss those days of watching Vikram & Betal on Saturday & Sigma on Sunday morning.
• I miss those days of Doordarshan.
• I miss those days of fighting with my sister for not cleaning our room.
• I miss those day of getting tired & sleeping on my books while doing homework
• I miss those days of my dreaming that one day I will grow up & will buy a sari for my mother from my money
• I miss those days of asking for pocket expense from my father.
• I miss those days of excitement for teachers day celebration in my school
• I miss the zero period of my school
• I miss the picnics of my school & family.
• I miss my new dress of my birthday given by my parents.
• I miss those days of getting scared from my school teachers.
• I miss my school lunch break where we use to share food together.
• I miss the first monsoon shower where I jumped & splashed water to my content.
• I miss those bedtime stories of my mother.
• I miss those trips to my cousin’s place during summer vacations.
• I miss my fights with my grandmother.

I miss those beautiful Childhood days………….with zero responsibility & infinite innocence!!!!!!!

The Attire of Elegance….Sari

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Just like every Indian state, the heart of India, Madhya Pradesh has its own varieties of Sari’s. The beautiful Maheshwari,Chanderi & Kosa sari’s form the tradition of this state.

Chanderi Sari –Chanderi is a town of historical, religious importance in Ashoka Nagar District of Madhya Pradesh,India.Tradionally these sarees were made of cotton, but later silk was introduced to the looms of Chanderi. Nowadays we have complete silk varieties of the Chanderi sari, though, cotton Chanderi sari remains to be more revered, carrying a higher price.
Chanderi Saree are very light. It beauty lies in its simplicity, narrow & broad borders and decently designed anchals with buttis. Off-white Chanderi saree with Ganga-Jamuna border or red on one border and green on the other border are very famous. Chanderi sari is known for soft colors and the harmonious balance between the border and the body of the saree. These sarees are also known for their contrasting colors and the depiction of animal and human figures on them and patterns taken from the Chanderi temples.

Maheshwari Sari –Same as Chanderi Sarees which originate from Chanderi, Maheswari sarees originate from the town Maheshwar in Khargone district of Madhya Pradesh, India. This ancient town is situated on the banks for holy river Narmada
Maheshwari fabric is known for its lightness, elasticity and fine thread count. In sharp contrast to the rich and heavy silken weaves of Kanjivaram, the silk and cotton mix of Maheshwaris is perfect to wear in the summer. Golden thread or Zari is also used to weave elegant motifs on the body, border and pallu of the sari. The most common patterns include brick, diamond, woven mat & Chameli flower patterns

Kosa Sari –Kosa or Tussar silk sarees come from Chattisgarh (Originally Chattisgarh was a part of Madhya Pradesh). Indigenous to Champa, Bilaspur, Raigarh, Jagdalpur and Bastar areas of Chhattisgarh.The The silk used in Kosa sarees is extracted from the cocoons of the silk worm reared on Arjun trees and are obtained naturally from in shades of cream, honey, beige, yellow and ash. However, these natural hues are tastefully dyed using dyes made from vegetables, fruits, flowers, pollen, lac and other natural substances. The Kosa cloth is available in a range of colors and patterns that are block-printed, painted or embroidered.
The crisp, paper-like Kosa silk is popular not only in India but abroad too. The six-yard sari is decorated with simple tribal motifs of birds, flowers, trees and geometrical figures.


Monday, May 25, 2009

What I have learn t from life…………..
‘Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.’

We carry our attitude around like a pair of glasses that tints our perception to the world. Our experiences, education and personality shape your attitude to everything around us. Our tinted glasses will affect our behavior, thinking & our feelings. We can take good care of our body by eating right food, exercise but do we actually take care of mind? Our attitude plays a vital role in taking care of our minds.

• A let go attitude on the negative situation. Moving forward & letting positive things come to your life.
• As we progress in life it is usually necessary for us to change some of our attitudes in order to adjust to changing circumstances.
• It’s true that our attitude towards life determines the life’s attitude towards us.
• Attitude can be our best friend & worst enemy at times.
• It’s well said “I never saw a pessimistic general win a battle”.

An institution of marriage..

Friday, May 22, 2009

The institution of marriage is a foundation of a family, which in turn is the fundamental building block of the society. Marriages are made in heaven and celebrated on earth. This belief is true to a very great extent, because it is a special bond shared between two souls, who tie the wedding knot after promising to be companions for a lifetime.Across the globe the concept of marriage remains the same, although the way of solemnizing differs. The foundation of a successful marriage is love, understanding, mutual respect, trust, commitment and togetherness.

The essence of marriage…

• Not only MARRYING the right person, but BEING the right partner.
• Be best friends as well as lovers
• Cry together as you laugh together.
• Share your secrets
• Standing together and facing the world.
• Having the capacity to forgive and forget, and then forgetting what you forgave.
• Having a mutual sense of values and common objectives.
• Let commitment be a daily ritual.
• Always remember an ideal wife is any woman who has a ideal husband.
• It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages.
• I agree with the fact “Marriage is that relation between man and woman in which the independence is equal, the dependence mutual, and the obligation reciprocal.
• Always think together than thinking alike.

Tomato Chutney (Tamatar Ki Chutney)

An easy to prepare dish which will add taste to your meals, snacks

Category Side dish
Region All of India
Also Called Several names (depending upon the region)
Descriptive English Name Tomato chutney
Served Hot parthas, snacks & a side dish with main course
Cooking Time 5-6 Min


• 1 Tomato
• 2-3 Garlic pieces or cloves
• 2-3 green chillie
• 175 -200 gms Coriander with tender stems
• Salt to taste


Half boil tomato. Wash the coriander & drain the water. Put all ingredients in mixer & blend till smooth.

Smart tips

You can make chutney once in three days & store it air tight container in your refrigerator.

I always wanted to be a Woman….

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

• Who is trustworthy….
• Who admires & praises other women
• Who doesn’t cry at her workplace
• Who can balance between family & career.
• Who never repents of being a woman.
• Who can be a lovable daughter, caring sister, adorable wife & responsible mother.
• Who is compassionate & gentle
• Who doesn’t make excuses at her workplace for not doing something because she is a woman.
• Who doesn’t criticize and blame men always. It is not necessary that you have to be anti-man to be a pro woman.
• Who wears an ornament of character & purity
• Who can be friends with men without giving a wrong impression or unwanted attention

Some I am…& some I try to be…………..

Besan Ka Cheela

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Category Snack
Region All of India
Also Called Besan Ka Cheela (depending upon the region)
Served Chutney,sauce,pickle
Serves 4 -5
Cooking Time 20min


• 2 Cups Besan (Gram flour)
• 1large finely chopped Onions
• 2-3 green chilli
• Finely copped coriander
• 1/2tbs Ajwain
• Asafetida a small pinch
• 1/2 tsp Turmeric powder
• 1/2 tsp Red chili
• 1 tablespoons coriander powder
• Oil for cooking
• Salt to taste
• Water to make the smooth batter


Mix all ingredients in a bowl except oil. Now start adding water in small quantities to the bowl & mix until no lumps remain. Make a spread able batter. Leave for 15-20 min.

Heat the non stick tawa & now pour the batter in the centre spreading it out a little (like dosa).Now put some 1tsp oil on the corners & cook on medium flame until it’s golden. Now flip & add 1tsp oil on the other side & cook until this side is also golden

Serve hot with chutney, pickle or sauce.

Smart tips:

Cook on very slow flames so that it cooks evenly & crisp.

How can communication help in building a strong relationship?

Good communication is the heart of every good relationship. Communication is the main ingredient to a beautiful & healthy relationship. To communicate is to exchange your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, critiques and other comments with another person. Communication is the invisible thread bonding our society. Expressions and language help us to connect with each living being

Whether it's been a wonderful or a rotten day, whether there's been a crisis or a triumph, sharing it in words makes you and your partner feel more understood, more appreciated, more loved. Here are some tips to make your relationship bloom with your good communication.

• Communication is not only talking but also listening.Somewhere I read speaking is sliver,then listening is golden
• Always make sure your body language match your words. Do not get defensive & have a positive attitude.
• Speak unarguably.Argument is the one of the worst sort of communication.
• Remember it’s very important to express your feelings in your relationship.
• Turn your complaints into requests
• In order to understand and meet each others needs, as well as to unite to overcome problems, good communication is a must.

Mistakes are the best teachers....

Monday, May 18, 2009

Someone well said…

‘Experience teaches slowly and at the cost of mistakes’

A mistake is a decision or an action that we come to regret. Mistakes causes some degree of pain, loss, adds to bad memories to our book of life. What I have learnt from life that there is no mistake in life, rather it is a lesson of life. Mistakes are gifts of life, and these gifts of life offer you a chance to explore an area where you are deficient, you need additional knowledge or need to revaluate your approach.
Some of us refuse to accept that we have done something wrong. We end up blaming someone else or the system. We blame others, justify or make excuses.

By adopting the below approaches we can handle our relationships in a more sensitive manner.

Learn to accept full responsibility of your life, acts & yourself- Whatever circumstances, misunderstandings come across learn to take responsibility. There is always an opportunity to learn even if others were wrong. Remember when you take responsibility of yourself then you become responsible for making things right. Also you learn to make better choices, avoid problems & misunderstandings in future.

Take mistakes as life’s lesson – We all are humans & we will do something which we will regret. Be open to making mistakes & taking them as life’s lesson. If you don't learn the lesson, then the mistake will repeat itself again and again in different situations.

Be proactive – Your proactive behavior can help you to avoid unnecessary blunders and help in seeking ways of improvement. Always view mistake as a useful stepping stone to higher reality & a better outlook of life.

Don’t try to be a perfectionist- There is no harm in making mistakes; it is an essential part of going forward. If you go through life afraid to make a mistake, you’ll spend most of your life doing absolutely nothing.

Apologize -If you’ve made mistakes that harm other people, it is important to offer a dignified apology. Be clear that it was an unfortunate incident that will not be repeated. A good apology can go along way to restoring trust. Do not waste time in justifying yourself.

How to build Trust……

Sunday, May 17, 2009

To begin with I would like to recollect these beautiful lines…

“On the day we can fully trust each other; there will be peace on Earth.”

Trust is reliance on others; trust is the confidence, faith and the foundation of any relationship. Trust is a fragile thing in any relationship. Some tips which can help to build trust in any relationship.

Don’t be secretive –Try and be open & honest in any relationships.Always remember there is nothing like a secret. It will be revealed one day. Sometimes, a suspicious behavior might destroy trust. Be a open book.

Never judge trust in your relationship when you are angry – Sometimes anger can overpower your trust. In anger people tend to jump to and act on conclusions and some of those conclusions can be very inaccurate.

Communication – Always remember that your communication along with body language makes you more reliable, clear & honest. Precisely, your words should match your body language.

Follow your words – Try & do what you say. Sometimes small things can destroy trust. A small example is you tell your partner/friend/family member that you will be home by 8:00pm.If you are going to be late, call and let him or her know ahead of time. Try & make realistic promises which you can fulfill.

Always trust yourself –A person who has trust in himself, can build trust in others also.

Remember…it takes years……... to build trust…but milliseconds to destroy it…

Green Moong dal Bhajiya (Mangode)

A snack to enjoy in winters & rainy season…

Category Snack
Region All of India
Also Called Bhajiya, Mangode (depending upon the region)
Served Chutney,sauce,pickle
Serves 4
Cooking Time 20min


• 2 Cups of soaked spilt green moong dal (Dal soaked for 3-4 hours)
• 2 Onions
• 3-4 green chilli
• 1inch ginger
• 2-3 pieces of garlic
• 1/2 tsp Turmeric powder
• 1/2 tsp Red chili
• 1 tablespoons coriander powder
• Oil for deep frying
• Salt to taste


Drain the water from soaked moong dal & grind it without adding water.Do not grind it very fine. Put this grinded dal in a bowl. Now grind onion, garlic, ginger & chilli.Make a paste & add it to moong dal.Now add all spices & salt. And the mixture is ready to deep fry.
Serve hot with chutney

Smart tips:

Deep fry Bhajiya properly so that they turn crisp.

Baby Corn Ki Sabji (Bhutte ke sabji)

Friday, May 15, 2009

Here is a recipe which children will love to eat.

Category Main course vegetable
Region All of India
Also Called Several names (depending upon the region)
Descriptive English Name Baby Corn
Served Hot, with roti (whole wheat Indian bread),Steamed rice
Serves 4
Cooking Time 20min


• 200 gms of fresh baby corn (Boiled)
• 2 Onions finely chopped
• 1Tomato Finely chopped
• 2 green chillie
• 1/2Tbs Jeera (Cumin seed)
• 1/2 tsp Turmeric powder
• 1/2 tsp Red chili
• 1 tablespoons coriander powder
• Coriander leaves
• 1/2tbsp tomato sauce
• 2 tbsps Oil
• Salt to taste


In a thick base frying pan, heat the oil with Jeera & green chilli, until they splutter, add onions & stir fry and then add Baby corn. Add all spices & salt. Once onion turns golden brown, add tomato. Once tomatoes are properly blended with baby corn add tomato sauce. Garnish it with coriander leaves & serve hot.

Smart tips:

• Half boil baby corn, otherwise it will mash when you start cooking it with onion.
• You can even add cubes of paneer to make the dish more nutritious.
• Do not cook after adding tomato sauce

30 Things That Make You Happy…

1) Feeling Healthy
2) A good book………
3) Looking beautiful…
4) Cuddle & giggle of a child
5) Having your husband as your BEST FRIEND
6) A TAX return.
7) A smell of a clean sheets or a new book.
8) Summer sunset
9 ) Knowing your friends really care for you.
10) My mother kissing me in my forehead.
11) An unexpected solution to a misunderstanding.
12) Turning the pages of your album
13) Having a husband that’s trusts me.
14) Smell of mud after the first monsoon shower.
15) Watching babies sleep
16) Cleaning the house
17) Missing office after a long hectic routine.
18) Watching your favorite television program at the end of day.
19) The warmth you feel when you have been to help someone with a problem.
20) Receiving card or a call from an old friend who you haven't had contact with for years, just as if it was yesterday.
21) Recalling memories of childhood holidays
22) Flowers blooming in my garden that I planted myself.
23) Receiving an unexpected compliment
24) Being with our family
25) A hug from someone you love
26) Hearing my dad say "I'm proud of you" and knowing that he means it
27) To see your child grow
28) Enjoying the warm sunlight in a chilling winter.
29) No spam in your email
30) Memories of the smell of my Mom’s cooking.

30 lessons of life

Thursday, May 14, 2009

1) Stay healthy. Someone has well said “Health is wealth”. Eat nutritious meals in proper portions. Drink plenty of water. Try to get 30 minutes of exercise daily. Get plenty of sleep.
2 ) Have a positive thinking. If you believe you can do it, most of the time, you really can.
3)Conversation or expressing yourself is a one of the most important aspect of life. Successful relationships require solid communication, use body language, appropriate tone of voice, and eye contact; be friendly and considerate of alternative viewpoints; persuade gently; listen, listen, listen.
4) Time heals all wounds… regardless of how you feel right now.
5) Marry a person who loves you, rather marrying a person whom you love.
6) Take lots of pictures. Someday you’ll be really glad you did.
7) Bad things do happen to good people.
8) Love has nothing to do with looks, but everything to do with time, trust, and interest.
9 ) Taking ownership of failure builds the foundation for success.
10) Your actions now create memories you will reminisce and talk about in your elder years.
11) No matter how bad your heart is broken the world doesn't stop for your grief.
12) Two people can look at the same thing and see something totally different.
13) True friendship continues to grow, even over the longest distance.
14) There is nothing like love at first sight
15) Never take ANY relationship for granted.
16) Listen to your heart but use your brain.
17) Your life can be changed in a matter of hours by people who don't even know you.
18 ) Two people argue, it doesn't mean they don't love each other And just because they don't argue, it doesn't mean they do love each other.
19 ) Perseverance is the key to success
20 ) You shouldn't be so eager to find out a secret. It could change your life forever.
21) It takes years to build up trust, and only seconds to destroy it.
22) No matter how much you care some people just don't care back.
23 )There is a time for everything in life.You cannot get it before.Destiny plays a very important role in life.
24 )Chance is a gift, so act on chance when given the opportunity.
25 ) Your health is your life.
26 ) Be completely responsible and accountable for where you are, who you are and what you are.
27) Get clarity and certainty about what you want and don't want in your life.
28) When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.
29) In disagreements with loved ones, deal only with the current situation. Don't bring up the past.
30) Open your arms to change, but don't let go of your values.


Spicy Besan Ki Sabji

No vegetables at Home. Serve your family Besan ki sabji and let your family praise your dish and intelligence.

Category Main course vegetable
Region All of India
Also Called Several names (depending upon the region)
Descriptive English Name Spicy Gram flour
Served Hot, with roti (whole wheat Indian bread),
Serves 4
Cooking Time 25 -30 minutes


• 200 gms of Besan (Gram flour)
• 2 Onions finely chopped
• 1Tomato Finely chopped
• 2-3 green chillie
• 5-6 Kari patta or meetha neem patta (Curry leaf)
• 1/2Tbs Jeera (Cumin seed)
• 1/2 tsp Turmeric powder
• 1 tsp Red chili
• 2 tablespoons coriander powder
• Asafetida a pinch
• Coriander leaves
• 1/2tbsp Lime Juice
• 3 tbsps Oil
• Salt to taste
• 2 cup water


In a thick base frying pan, heat the oil with Jeera & green chilli, kadi patta until they splutter and then add onions & stir fry until it turns golden. Add all spices & salt. Now add besan & stir continuously. Once besan turns brown, add tomato. Stir, gradually tomato will blend with besan. Now add 2 cups of water in it. Let water dry partially & add lime juice. Garnish it with coriander leaves & serve hot.

Smart tips:

If you crush the tomato & make a puree. It will save your time, tomato will blend with besan fast & in a uniform way.

Dahi Wale Aloo

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

This is my version of Dahi Wale Aloo

Category Main course vegetable
Region All of India
Also Called Several names (depending upon the region)
Descriptive English Name Curd Potato
Served Hot, with roti (whole wheat Indian bread), or steamed white rice.
Serves 4
Cooking Time 20 minutes
These Dahi wale Aloo can be served on fast (Upvas)


• 500 gms Boiled Aloo (Potato)
• 1/2 Tbs Jeera
• 1/2 tsp Turmeric powder (Do not use if preparing for fast)
• 1/2 Cup Yoghurt
• 1/2 tsp Red chilli (Do not use if preparing for fast)
• 3 Finely copped Green Chilli
• 2 tbs coriander powder ((Do not use if preparing for fast)
• Asafetida (Heeng) a small pinch ((Do not use if preparing for fast)
• Coriander leaves Finely Chopped
• 2 tbsps Oil or butter (Use Desi Ghee if preparing for fast)
• Salt to taste (Use sendha namak or rock salt if preparing for fast)


Boil potato & peel them cut into small cubes. Heat the oil in a pan with asafoetida, Jeera & followed by green chilli wait until they splutter. Now add boiled potatoes & add turmeric, coriander & red chilli powder salt. Fry until potatoes get roasted .Lower the flame & then add curd & stir well until all of it is well blended. Now add 2 cups of water bring the mixture to boil & cook for uncovered for 5-6 min on low flame. Garnish with coriander leaves & serve hot.

Smart tips:

Make sure potatoes are roasted well light brown,it will give a crisp taste in the dish.

Time for Solid food for Baby

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My baby was 4 months old and it was time to introduce infant formula along with weaning food. I was lucky that my baby relished infant formula from the very first day. Some mothers start Infant formula from the very first day.

Along with infant formula it was time for weaning food. Initially my baby showed a lots reluctance in accepting weaning (i.e. rice, lentils, fruits etc) food. By fifth month my baby started accepting weaning food, although he did not relish it.

Sixth month was the time to introduce solids. By this time my baby had become familiar to food & fruits. I started giving him a fresh fruit in his breakfast. It is always better to give fruits with pulp for example mango, banana, rock melon, chiku etc. Generally, babies show reluctance to sour and citrus fruits. In lunch, I introduced lentil (cooked with two vegetables) & rice. To make it more interesting and nutritious I usually add one fourth table spoon of “desi ghee” for “tadka”, “haldi”, “3-4 jeera seeds” and a pinch of salt. Gradually my baby started relishing this meal. Although my baby eats very less but at least I am satisfied that he has started eating regular stuff.

Once my baby started accepting his breakfast & lunch, I introduced eveing snacks. Sometimes I offer “suji ka halwa”, “kheer” to my baby. All these are made using Infant formula.

Also as 4th meal of the day I introduced “farex” (i.e. solid baby food) in his dinner. In order to make farex more acceptable and tasty I usually server it with fresh fruits and with a table spoon of infant formula.

Along with the above said menu, I also offer milk (i.e. infant formula) to my baby at least 3 times in a day. It is not necessary that baby will drink the entire quality offered. It solely depends on baby’s appetite.

Here I would like to share some tips when you plan to introduce solids.

• Dal (Lentil) – rice or kichdi can be a good option for lunch. But make sure that it is properly cooked and mashed.
• For snacks you can serve suji (Semolina) or rava ka halwa (pudding). Fry 2tbs suji in ¼ spoon desi ghee when it turns to light brown add 1 bowl of water to it & let the water dry. Let it cool down. Then add 2tbs infant formula to it & serve it to baby.
• Fried food and Junk food is not recommended.
• Do not offer biscuits, as it only fills the stomach and does not provide
much nutritional value to the baby.
• Never leave your baby alone with food - babies can choke on food and drinks.
• Introduce foods one at a time wait a couple of days before introducing
another one so that you can isolate any adverse reactions and allergies.
• The food should be smooth, supple and runny.
• Never force your baby to eat.
• The spoon should be small, shallow and soft. Special weaning spoons can be
• Offer solids between milk feeds, when your baby is neither too hungry nor
too full.
• Hold your baby comfortably on your lap or sit her in her baby chair. It
would be better if both of you were protected against spills!
• Make sure all feeding utensils are sterilized or at least washed with hot
• To avoid food poisoning, throw away any uneaten food left over from her meal
and never reheat and use again.
• Always check food temperature to prevent burning her mouth. Your baby cannot
eat hot food
• Never add solids to your baby’s bottle
• Offer drinks of cool boiled water starting from 6 months of age.
• If you are massaging in morning then it always better to give breakfast at
least one hour before massage time

Besan Shimla Mirch

This is my version of Besan Shimla Mirch

Category Main course vegetable
Region All of India
Also Called Several names (depending upon the region)
Descriptive English Name Spicy Capsicum
Served Hot, with roti (whole wheat Indian bread), or steamed white rice
Serves 4
Cooking Time 20 minutes


• 500 gms Finely Chopped Green Shimla Mirch
• 2 Onions finely chopped
• 1/2Tbs Jeera
• 1/2 tsp Turmeric powder
• 1 tsp Besan
• 1 tsp Red chili powder
• 2 tsp coriander powder
• Asafetida a small pinch
• Coriander leaves
• 1/2tbsp Lime Juice
• 3 tbsps Oil
• Salt to taste


Wash Shimla Mirch under running water. Pat the Shimla Mirch dry with a clean kitchen towel Finely chop Shimla Mirch & Onion.

In a thick base frying pan, heat the oil with Jeera until they splutter and stir-fry the onions & then add Shimla Mirch let both cook together & add all spices. Cook until translucent. Now add the besan & stir well until its turns golden brown. Lastly, sprinkle some water, lime juice and cover it with a lid for about 5 minutes. Garnish the dish with coriander leaves. Serve hot.

Smart tips:

Do not cook with a very tight lid on the pan otherwise it will make the dish very sticky

Residential Property Market In Mumbai

Residential Property Market In Mumbai

India is the largest country of south Asian region. Its economy has shown a constant upward trend in the last decade or so. Most of this gain in economy is started after India emerged as one of the I.T giant of the world. The positive effects of this development in economy of the country are perceptible in every business sector including the property market. Mumbai, which is acknowledged as the commercial capital of the India, has gained the attention of the investors of the world together with those who prefer to invest in property market.

But what could the main reason behind Mumbai becoming investor’s paradise in India? The answer is simple one. The market of Mumbai offers high investment returns to the investors including real estate investors. This is the core reason why Mumbai is exerting a pull on investors from all over the India and world alike. Real estate investors do have adequate incentives to invest in the Mumbai property market. Currently it is the most populated city of India and Mumbai and its suburbs encompass the second-biggest urban agglomeration in the world after Tokyo. And the rate, at which its population is budding, points toward the increase in the demand for both commercial and residential properties in Mumbai.

India’s property market has been among the hardest hit by the global financial turmoil as high interest rates and gloomy economic prospects have driven out buyers and squeezed funds for real estate developers.

Through this year, property prices have already declined more than 10-20%, though in cities like Mumbai and Delhi, prices are still too high for a middle class consumer.

I feel investment in Mumbai property market can never be a loss.If you have are planning to invest in the market then do not wait further just go ahead & do it with a good builder.

And if you have already done the investment then be patient & wait for the right time for returns.

Bhindi Amchur

Monday, May 11, 2009

Bhindi Amchur

This is my version of Bhindi Amchur

Category Main course vegetable
Region All of India
Also Called Several names (depending upon the region)
Descriptive English Name Spicy Okra (Spicy Lady's Fingers)
Served Hot, with roti (whole wheat Indian bread), or steamed white rice
Serves 4
Cooking Time 20 minutes


  • 500 gms Bhindi or Okra
  • 2 Onions
  • 1/4tsp Jeera
  • 1/2 tsp Turmeric powder
  • 1 tsp Amchur powder (Dry mango powder)
  • 1 tsp Red chili
  • 2 tablespoons coriander powder
  • Asafetida a pinch
  • 1 tsp Garam masala
  • Coriander leaves
  • 3 tbsps Oil
  • Salt to taste


Wash the okra under running water. Cut off the ends of the okra. Pat the okra dry with a clean kitchen towel. If you leave them wet, your dish will end up sticky and slimy. Slice into halves and set aside.

In a thick base frying pan , heat the oil add Jeera and stir-fry the onions until they become golden.Add okra or Bhindi along with all spices EXCEPT garam masala & Amchur.Stir it properly.Fry it till it turns crisp. But do not stir vigorously as this will cause the okra to get mashed. Do not cover it very tight otherwise Okra will get mashed in steam & will loose its crispiness (Cook for about 20 minutes on low flame).Once cooked add Gram masala over it followed by amchur powder. Garnish with coriander leaves.

Smart tips:

Do not cook after adding garam masala & amchur.

Make sure there is no water in Okra once you start cooking otherwise it will make the dish sticky.

Teaching a good night sleep habit

The first three Months..after the arrival of the baby.

The first three month were the most tough & crucial for me as a new mother.It was a like chaos in my life...sleepless nights...tiring days....making N nos of mistakes in handling the baby.Its very much true practical experience is the best learning class.

My entire house was a jungle of things lying all around.Sometimes I felt very helpless.But I was trying to put the best effort to learn things.My first aim was to inculcuate a habit in my baby to sleep at nights.Beacuse I knew if I start getting a proper sleep at night I can start settling things during day time.

For the first three & a half months I exclusively kept my baby on my feeds.So it was tough because my baby use to wake up 2 times at night for feeds.Many a times he started playing at mid nights.But I made it sure that I do not encourage him to play.I kept him on my lap & made him sleep.Many nights I spent hours in making the baby sleep & the baby use to take a nap
for half an hour & and some times this process use to get repeated many times during the night.

I didnt give up....& finally at 4 months my baby started taking a continous sleep for the whole nights that was around 8-9 hours at a stretch.

Some tips which I would like to share here are :

1)Keep the baby awake in evening.So that he gets tired by night.
2)If baby gets mid night,feed him & make him sleep again do not play with him.
3)Make the baby sleep at the same time daily.Also wake him up at the same time everyday in morning.This will help in regularzing his routine.
4)Sometimes you can even give a good massage before taking him to bed.That will relax & soothe the baby.
5)Make sure you give a proper feed to the baby finally taking him to bed.
6)If you are breastfeeding, caffeine can create a vicious circle,you drink coffee (or tea or cola) to give you a hit, baby gets a boost of stimulant through your milk – and becomes restless.
7)Tiny tummies need frequent refills, but soon your baby will start sleeping at least one longer stretch between feeds. If baby sleeps more than four hours between feeds during the day, it is reasonable to GENTLY unwrap him and offer a feed, then he might save his longer sleep for night – time. However, be patient if he is not ready to alter his pattern.
8)Teach baby the difference between night and day by keeping the lights low and attending to him quietly during night feeds. Save play and chatter for daytime.
9)Choose a well-lit area for your baby's naps. This will help encourage shorter naps, which in turn may help your little one sleep better at night.
10)Feed your baby in a darkened room at night if he or she wakes up hungry. Let him know that night is for sleeping.

Baby massage

Sunday, May 10, 2009

After my baby's birth the biggest challenge came was "baby Care". As every mother I always wanted to do the best for him. Baby massage is one of the important aspects in child care. So here I would like to share my experience with baby massage. Once we came back from the medical center, from the very first day I started massage for my baby.

Baby massage is an ancient practice & is still followed across the world.A good massage soothes the baby,increases blood circulation,helps him to sleep better and gain more weight . It helps muscular development. It also helps in parents child bonding.Talking and smiling to him while massaging keeps a child happy, making the baby more secure and robust.

Initially,I started the massage with medicated oils which are available specially for babies.Although coconut oil,olive oil is also suggested.But since it was a start I started with a very light massage oil.After massage I usually give my baby a Luke warm water bath.Definitely,I can say with confidence that it helped my baby to gain weight & also it gave a very good sleep.In less than 8 days my baby started enjoying the massage.Massage time is a time when I leave all my things aside & spend quality time with my baby...we play..we sing ..we talk....its lots of fun...

My baby is prone to skin ezcema so his skin needs to be mositurzed always.From seventh month I tried olive oil for massage.It did wonders for my baby's skin.In three days his skin became smooth & soft.Here are some tips I would like to share for baby massage..

  • It is a good practice to keep all things you ready before you start rubbing the oil on the baby's body. This includes, the baby massage oil , tissues.
  • Baby's skin is very soft and bracelet, rings and long nails might hurt your child accidentally. So keep your fingernails short and keep aside the jewellery pieces you wear on hands when you are massaging the baby.
  • If the weather is cold, turn up the heat enough to keep the baby warm.
  • Spread a changing mat or a soft towel on a flat surface and undress the baby.
  • Rub only about half-a-teaspoon of oil at a time on your palms so they glide easily on the baby's body. You can apply more oil later as needed.
  • Make sure that your palms are warm.
  • Use smooth, gentle but firm strokes with your palm or fingers. Light circular movements on chest and stomach, stroking across the shoulders, downward movement on the arms and legs and upward movements on the back are the best.
  • Do not put too much pressure on the baby's fragile body.
  • Keep the baby engaged while massaging him or her by talking or singing to the infant.This is how baby will start enjoying the massage time.
  • Eye contact with the baby ensures him or her of your undivided attention.
  • Sudden break in contact of your hands may cause alarm to the baby, take care to be gentle while stopping the massage.
  • Do not oil baby's palms or fingers as these little ones tend to put them in their mouths or eyes often and this may cause them irritation.
  • Do not massage the baby just before or after feeding, or when the baby is ill.
  • Do not wake the baby up for a massage.
  • Avoid rashes, wounds or areas where the baby has got his injections or vaccines as it may hurt.
  • Give a luke warm water bath to the baby after massage.
  • Massage the tiny fingers of the baby by gently pressing them between your forefinger and thumb.
  • Make sure that you rub very gently on baby’s elbow and knee joints.
  • Gently squeeze the muscles on baby's legs and arms but be sure that baby does not get hurt.
  • Keep one hand over other hand and use them like a paddle just below the belly button of the baby to relieve any gas pains and improve her digestion.
  • Don’t use baby oil on infant's face.
  • Babies less than four months old need only 10 minutes of massage while older babies can be given 20 minutes of massage depending on their development.
After a good massage & bath usually baby takes a long sleep,which makes baby fresh & playful.

In case you need any advise please free to write to me.I will try to help you in best possible way.

Journey from woman to motherhood

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Somewhere I read a ...'A woman is not complete till she attains motherhood ' I feel that its very much true..

My journey towards motherhood started from from the first month of 2008.A new a new year.When I first heard the little tingling sound of a tinny heart within me,my heart & soul was filled with millions of emotions & expectations.

All of a sudden my life style started changing in many ways.My GP told me that your first three months are going to give you the most memorable experience of your life.At that time I felt that my GP is trying to be little sarcastic but now I can certainly say she was sarcastic & true. In the first three months the most rocking activity which I have gone through was nothing but throwing up (vomiting & nausea) myself 30 times a day.No medicines... no home remedies..nothing worked...only my will power kept me going through this high tides.I counted each day,each night till end the third month dreaming that this ordeal will end after three months but like all other dreams it was false.For me this ordeal was destined to stay for 9 months.

The second tri-semester started....with some complex medical examination i.e triple marker ,malformation scan etc....we use to wait with extreme eagerness for the report.By god's grace all reports were fine & the baby was doing well.This was relatively a better phase in my pregnancy.All I can say is I ate well,slept well & attained weight.

Now comes the climax period (The Third tri-semester).During this phase I kept on adding weight & an anxiety that now I will get to touch my cutu pie very soon.But ya!time was tough, moving around and going to office was a challenge.Above all the basics challenges like finding my way through IIT Powai Traffic Jam during monsoon climbing a Everest look alike ramp of Office building. At the start of eighth month gradually a weird thing started.Gradually,I started loosing my sleeps during nights.I use to greed for a atleast a nap during day.But had No luck!

At the starting of nine month we went for a final check up.Looking at my condition GP suggested us that a normal delivery is a remote possibility hence it would be better if we opt for a voluntary c-section procedure.Since this was my first child & I was ready to take ANY chances,hence we gave our accord for C- section and fixed a suitable date.

D-day :Finally,I was ready with all my baby supplies packed everything & left for the medical centre that night.I got up early next morning (thanks goes to nurses & mid wives) as I was my procedure was scheduled at 8.30 am in the morning.After some basic preparations & morning routine I was finally taken to the OT.After that whatever happened is not that clear in my memory.Finally,I woke up after mid day & saw my little cute pie wrapped in dark green cloth lying on the baby cradle beside my cot.

That was the most beautiful sight of my life.....

Finally,I was there a woman from last so many years had become a mother....