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Tips For Happiness

Friday, July 31, 2009

Readers of this Post are suggested to read my earlier post '30 Things That Make you Happy'.You can find this post under May 09 archive or under the label My Journey Of life.

Happiness is a state of mind, therefore the real source of happiness lies in the mind, not in external circumstances.

Surround yourself with others who are happy.
This shall pass. When bad things happen, and you're having trouble accepting it, think to yourself the same thing the ancients did: "This, too, shall pass." And it will. And you'll survive.
Follow your passions. If you do what you love to do, especially for a living, you will be extremely happy.
• Realize that you deserve it. Frame you mindset that you deserve happiness.
• Get inspired. Take time to read blogs or books or magazine articles about success stories related to what you want to do. It will get you energized.
Celebrate small occasions or achievements. When you do something right, when you accomplish something, when you feel like it, reward yourself. Celebrate. Have fun, and pat yourself on the back. Also try and celebrate festivals, birthday’s, anniversaries this will give you happiness for those moments and happy memories to cherish later. That man is richest whose pleasures are cheapest.
Meditation, exercise and healthy eating habits also helps one to find happiness.
Jumping for joy is good a exercise.
Limit your information intake, it will simplify your life.
• Spend quality time with family and loved ones.
Don’t compare yourself with others. It is difficult, but try it. And realize that you are different, with different strengths.
• Try and be romantic .If you have someone special in your life then try and be romantic.
Go outdoors. Instead of spending time with TV, internet, video games try and go out and appreciate nature, the beauty of the world around us, and the fun of physical activity.
Help others. Try and offer your help to others you will find out how tremendously happy this will make you. You might even become addicted. Mark Twain said ‘The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up.’
• There is no cosmetic for beauty like happiness.


Indian Pundit said...

Just brilliant.i agree with almost all the points.


IndianPundit said...

Hi Meghana

i am following ur blog through friend connect.


IndianPundit said...

Hi Meghana


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Cheers and if u need any more help just ask.

Juhi said...

I like this one the best "Jumping for joy is good a exercise" :)

Spardha said...

This post is soo good.. you write so beautifully..