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The Attire Of Elegance Sari Continued…The Colorful Rajasthani Sarees

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Readers of the post are suggested to read my earlier three posts The Attire of Elegance under the label Indian Tradition

The people of Rajasthan, living in the barren and monotonous landscape, add a whole range of colors in their lives through their costumes. Their inclination towards colors can been seen in the way people of Rajasthan decorate their houses, animals and themselves. From the simple village folk or tribal belle to the Raja's and Rani's, the preferred colors are bright red, dazzling yellow, lively green or brilliant orange, highlighted by a lavish use of sparkling gold and silver zari or gota.

Tie & Die/Lehriya/Bandhini Saree - Tie and die is a multi colored craft of Rajasthan. A large number of colors are used because once the base color is tied in; a lot of colors can be applied on to the fabric at different stages and then tied and detached gradually.
The motifs that are used are birds, leaves, animals, creepers, and human figures in dance poses.
Designs are known by their names such as mountain design, doll design and kite design. Dots are used to make up the designs. A different color on either side is also practiced by the craftsmen. Lehariya has long lines in a variety of colours found all over the body of the sari or dress material. Turbans are also a good outcome. The lehariya cloths have their own names depending on the designs. Bandhanis are related to festivals, seasons and rituals for which there are particular patterns and colors.

Rajasthani Kota Doria Saree –Kotha Doria sarees are one of the most popular sarees and a possession of every cotton lover woman. The literal meaning of Doria is thread and Kota is city in Rajasthan. Kota Doria is a fine quality cotton and silk yarn woven in the form of a graph. Hand woven check patterned and printed saris are quite popular. Originally these saris were known as Masuria because Mysore was the first place to take up this type of weaving. This art of weaving was brought to Kota by Rao Kishore Singh, a general of the Mughal army.
He brought the weavers to Kota in the 17th and early 18th century. Since then the saris were called Kota saris. The production entails spinning, dyeing and weaving and involves several workers. It takes them around three weeks in preparing three saris of similar designs. These saris are best worn in summers as they are made of cotton (the coolest fabric) and are airy. They are light in weight and easy to handle. The gossamer-fine fabric Kota Dorias are known to be the best quality weave and are extremely light in weight

Rajasthani Embroidery Saree - Famous are the embroidered Indian sarees of Jaisalmer, renowned for their unique colors, styles and stitches.
Embroidery has become the most elegant and enriching part of the craft heritage of India. The needlework tradition dates back to 2300-1500 BC and has been richly inherited by various regions, each having special style and an individual inspiration


Unknown said...

Reminds me of the good times that I spent as a teenager while growing up in the city of Udaipur and the state of Rajasthan in general. I hail from a small town called Pratapgarh near Chittorgarh and am very well knitted into the roots of the Rajasthani traditions.

No where on earth you can see women wearing so many colorful sarees other than Rajasthan. Indeed the dessert state has all the colors to offset the sand it has all around.

Nice post

Meghana said...

Hello Oogler Googler,

Its very true!!!! The colorful state of Rajasthan is unique!The lovely bright colors are full of energy which makes this state of India a place where every tourist from India or abroad wants to visit. said...

A very well written blog Meghna. Well researched and a carefully crafted article giving details of Kanjeevaram, Benarsi and Rajasthani sarees and also including the pictures of some of them. A saree has no rival and is an iconic image of Indian femininity. It is a graceful attire and the handloom sarees, cotton garments in various colours, were worn almost daily.
Despite it's grace and elegance, the saree, sadly enough, is now worn only on Dewali, Dussehra, weddings, functions and kitty parties- and of course in the saas-bahu quarrel serials. In Indian soap operas every actress wears a saree, impeccably ironed and draped, while scheming against someone. But in real life, few Indian women have the time to wear it and maintain the wardrobe of starched cottons and silks. People have now abandoned traditional clothing. They dont buy sarees - they buy jeans. The six yards wonder is hardly to be seen anywhere. It is only jeans and top/tunic. I think saree is gradually dying out with time and this is sad. The day is not far off when a proud papa will give his newly wed darling daughter - eleven jeans and eleven tops, instead of sarees, as a farewell gift on her wedding, (neighbours envy, owners' pride).
Well done Meghna, God bless you.

Ravi Matah

TLZ said...

your blog is really very interesting
mixture of all emotions, culture and belief do write more on Indian cultures and traditions would love to read them all.

Meghana said...

Hey Thanks Tashilhamo!!

Would definitely come up with some more posts for my readers!

Kolkata Web Design said...

Very impressive blog. I liked it.

Shwetika said...

Thank you very much to a fantastic insite into Rajasthani Sarees. The more I learn the more I love them

Meghana said...

Thanks Shwetika!!!!!